Funeral Services
Solemn Farewell
In moments of grief, our Funeral Services extend heartfelt support to grieving families. Grounded in respect for Islamic traditions, we ensure dignified arrangements, offering solace and assistance during the delicate process of bidding farewell to loved ones.

God does not look at your appearance and possessions, but He looks at your hearts and deeds.
Prophet Muhammad SAW
Need some help?
ICR Contacts for
Funerals and Burials
Based on your circumstances, we have laid out the following procedures. Please contact us for any questions or assistance.
For a Stillbirth
Funeral home contact information
Bartolommeo & Perotto Funeral Home
1411 Vintage Lane, Rochester, NY 14626 (585) 720-6000
D.M. Williams Funeral Home
2793 Culver Road, Rochester, NY 14622 (585) 247-0430
Bartolommeo & Perotto Funeral Home
1411 Vintage Lane, Rochester, NY 14626 (585) 720-6000
Cemetery options
Avon Muslim Cemetery
2154 Bronson Hill Road, Avon, NY 14414
Riverside Cemetery
2650 Lake Ave. Rochester, NY 14612 (585) 428-7775
Death of any Muslim
1 - Abdurrauf Bawany
H: (585) 272-7784
C: (585) 281-7941
2 - Abu Saeed Islam
C: (585) 802-5301
H: (585) 553-7620
ICR Main Office
(585) 442-0117
10 a.m. - 4 p.m. weekdays
Cemetery Rules and Regulations
1) The burials shall be limited to Muslims only according to the teachings of Islam
and the rules and regulations of the State of New York.
2) No part of the cemetery shall be reserved on ethnic, race, sect, or country of
origin basis.
3) The families of deceased shall be responsible for the payment of the fees prior to
burial or make arrangements for future payments.
4) Families who want to reserve adjoining burial plots for their future use shall be
permitted to do so upon payment of required maintenance fees. The Manager
shall assign the lots in consultation with the owner for their future use.
5) The Association reserves the right to remove, after due notice to the owner, any
embellishment, effigy, or inscription, which in the opinion of the Board, is
unsightly, dangerous or not conforming to the Islamic traditions. The decision of
the Board members in this regard shall be final.
6) No crypt or mausoleum shall be built above ground. All markers with
identifications shall be flush to the ground to facilitate mowing of grass.
7) Placement of glass blocks or vases as receptacles of flower, either artificial or
grown is prohibited.
8) The standard burial expenses for an adult and non-infant child are $5598.80
(weekdays before 3pm).
(a) Weekdays after 3pm: standard expenses ($5598.80) + additional $150/hr
for burial vault overtime costs
(b) Saturday: standard expenses ($5598.80) if before 2PM + additional $150
if after 2PM + additional $150 if after 3PM
(c) Holidays or Sundays: standard expenses ($5598.80) + $450 vault
company Sunday fee + $300 grave digger Sunday fee + additional $150
for vault company if past 3PM
9) The standard burial expenses for an infant are 1275.00 (weekdays).
(a) Sundays: $1425
10) The costs for graves are as follows:
a) $1250: adult
b) $625: child
11) The headstone installation within the next 12 months is complementary from the
Islamic Center of Rochester. If you would like a free stone, please fill out the order form.
Cemetery or headstone concerns can be addressed by calling the ICR at 585-442-0117.
The Funeral Home does not have the responsibility to address cemetery concerns.