Together we win
Welcome to the Women International Network (WIN) at ICR
In 2013, a group of women at the ICR met to discuss the need for an active women’s group that would provide camaraderie, education & spiritual community. While recognizing the great work of the Women’s Forum (established in the 1980s), there was a recognized need for a socially active group that would go beyond the Women’s Forum’s main mission of raising funds for the ICR. With the blessing of the ICR executive board, the Women’s International Forum was founded as an organization under the umbrella of the ICR.
- A basic executive board structure of President, Vice President & Secretary was formed and elections were held.
- In 2014, a mission & vision statement committee was formed and the resulting statements were confirmed by vote of the general body.
Supporting women and their families
Inspired by Islamic values, we support women and their families through education, community service, and philanthropy. We will work to build a strong alliance between women of diverse backgrounds so that we reach our full potential as believing Muslim women.

Empowering Muslim Women
We envision a community of empowered Muslim women who are actively contributing to their own personal development and to the success of the Islamic community in Rochester.
Volunteers needed- planning underway
Upcoming Events
Womens Hi-Tea
Sep 21st, 2024
ICR – 1-5pm
Tickets on sale on the Masjid App
Professional Developement/Public Speaking/Career Coaching workshop
Sep, 2024
Ramadan Paint Night
TBD, 2024
Cancer Awareness/Screening Van
October 26th, 2024
Breast Cancer Walk
TBD, 2024
Monthly Meetings
As Needed
Womens Sports
Drop in hours at ICR- TBD
Specially- abled community
Work with Muhsen Organization for bringing a chapter to ICR